Jagmeet Singh, the NDP, and World Government

Jagmeet Singh is is running for the leadership of the federal New Democratic Party of Canada.  Here’s what is really behind his campaign, and behind the NDP itself, based on research of the facts and history.  (Fuller comment below, after the video transcript.)

Love and Courage

“Jagmeet Singh for Prime Minister of Canada”

Jagmeet Singh for Prime Minister of Canada
Research, script, animation, by Kathleen Moore


Hi, My name is Jagmeet Singh, and I’d like to be Prime Minister of Canada.

Our Canada is a beautiful country, and I want to create a Canadian Plan to eliminate inequality and poverty.  A Plan where everyone can participate in the creation and sharing of our wealth.

Here is my Income Security Agenda for Canada.

But first, a little history.

The Basic Guaranteed Income idea has been around in Canada a long time.

In 1970, Senator Davuud Avrum Croll, a Liberal from Moscow, hired four NDP economists to study poverty in Canada.

Sadly, our four far-left economists, from the Waffle, were under surveillance by both the KGB and the RCMP.

Fearing that the Liberal Senator from Moscow would water down the NDP Poverty Report, our economists stole the original research and leaked it.

As a result, there were, in fact, three different publications of the Poverty Report that year, recommending a Guaranteed Basic Income.

First, there was the report called “Poverty in Canada:  Report of the Special Senate Committee on Poverty”, published in November, 1971 by Liberal Senator Croll, from Moscow.

Then, Bob Chodos and Mark Starowicz — both of the 1969 Communist front movement,Operation McGill Français a protest intended to ethnically cleanse English education out of Quebec to enhance the chances of international recognition for Quebec’s “distinct society” after a Yes in a referendum — were now in Ontario, and now running their own magazine, The Last Post.

According to declassified and redacted RCMP surveillance reports, the magazine, The Last Post, was a particular Marxist tactic.

Nonetheless, Chodos and Starowicz published the NDP’s report in a special issue of The Last Post as “The Renegade Report on Poverty” in the summer of 1971.

Our four heroic NDP Waffle economists had their names on it:

Ian Adams, William Cameron, Brian Hill and Peter Penz.

And, really bad luck, Chodos and Starowicz were also under KGB and RCMP surveillance.

In fact, Starowicz was on KGB payroll at the time, selling information on Parliamentarians for the Soviets to open blackmail files.

Finally, Mel Hurtig, of Edmonton, published it.  Today, Mel is a proud signatory to the UNPA Petition for an elected World Government.

Mel is also a proud co-founder of the Council of Canadians.  That’s “Canadian Soviet” in Russian.

The Council of Canadians advocates for public input on the North American Soviet Regional Union, happening now, thanks to NAFTA.

And, by the way, the NDP also takes credit for pushing NAFTA through, against the democratic will of the vast majority of the Canadian public.

By the way, Maude Barlowe, Mel’s co-founder of the Council of Canadians, is another proud signer of the UNPA petition for an elected World Government.

Hurtig published our NDP research under the title, “The Real Poverty Report”.

As you can see, we got our Poverty Report published, our way, and to hell with the Liberals.

But that’s not the end of it.

The NDP and the Parti Québécois, like a pair of cheap hookers, have been working both sides of the political street.

In 1972, eating NDP dust — the Parti Québécois — which is really a Liberal set-up under Pearson17 — published its 1972 manifesto for the party militants.

In its manifesto, the PQ unveiled its own Plan for a Guaranteed Minimum Income.  And its own plan for sovereignty to pull it off!

Why sovereignty?

Because all the powers are needed to restructure the democratic state.

Speaking of Pearson.  Really lucky a lid was kept on the FBI report conveyed to the RCMP in 1951.

A defecting officer of Soviet military intelligence revealed that Lester Pearson, aka “Mike”, was indeed a Soviet agent.

Without his role under wraps, Pearson might never have become Prime Minister in time to begin the post-War restructuring of Canada for the planned World October Revolution warned about by high-ranking KGB defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn.

Frankly, the NDP claims part of the credit for keeping the lid on.

Our man in the Waffle, Ian Adams, co-author of The Real Poverty Report published by Hurtig, later dramatized a failed effort in 1964 by the CIA and the RCMP to expose Pearson as a Soviet agent of influence.

And, lucky again, the RCMP must have mislaid that 1951 FBI letter.

As the PQ knows, Jagmeet’s 4-point plan for Equality and Prosperity can only work in a structured environment called Industrial Democracy.

In 1970, Ed Broadbent, a federal NDP member of Parliament, set the agenda for the New Democratic Party.

As a Praxis conference lecturer, Broadbent said:

“Together with the trade unions, the New Democratic Party should make the creation of a democratic industrial Canada its guiding ideological principle.

This is what the “new” in New Democratic Party should be all about.”

In its 1970 conference proceedings, the Praxis Research Institute named Industrial Democracy the “true heir to Karl Marx“.

However, the NDP has always adhered to Industrial Democracy.

In 1962, as a full member-party of the Socialist International, the NDP is bound to the SI mandate of a socialist world government, and Industrial Democracy.

In 1950, Marshal Tito, who led the resistance to German occupation during World War II and established a communist state after the war, began to develop Industrial Democracy.

What a shame!  The Americans ordered Tito to break up Yugoslavia, under economic sanctions.

Tito really had Industrial Democracy on the roll!

If you elect Jagmeet Singh as Prime Minister of Canada, and put the NDP in federal power, I promise to make Industrial Democracy work for Canada.

The nation-state is out!

The city-state is in!

One local level, one socialist Five-Year Plan, one Guaranteed Basic Income.

It’s not really the gulag.

As long as you have the right attitude, Canada can be a model for the world.

Canada can do Communism right.

And, now for Jagmeet’s Plan for the Bolshevik redistribution of wealth in Canada:

1.  Steal from the rich and give to the poor.

2.  Steal from the rich and give to the poor.

3.  Free gifts for everyone!

4.  Confiscate all private property as property of the collective.

In the spirit of those great socialists of the past:  Robin Hood, Che Guevara, Santa Claus, and yes, Comrade Karl Marx himself, with LOVE, we will have the COURAGE to destroy Canada completely, and start again.

Confederation was a mistake.

World federation will rectify it.

A final note on Praxis.

How unfortunate!  About a month after a journalist wrote some unkind things in the Toronto press, a suspicious fire destroyed Praxis headquarters beyond repair.

An RCMP “red squad” was implicated, but the culprit was never nabbed.


My name is Jagmeet Singh.

Vote for me for Prime Minister of Canada.

Love.  And courage.


“Jagmeet Singh for Prime Minister of Canada”

Research, Script, Animation
By Kathleen Moore

Bicycle Reunited
By Kevin MacLeod

Two FLQ Terrorist
Bomb Explosions
From Documentary Footage


@ Montreal
During the NDP Federal
Leadership Race
August 2017

– 30 –



Jagmeet Singh for Prime Minister of Canada!” is a comic exposé of the NDP and the shady red origins of the ‘Guaranteed Basic Income’ idea in Canada.  This video is based on facts, history and documented research.  It’s a caricature of reality.

The NDP is not a ‘left’ party, it is a Communist party devoted to the Yugoslav model of ‘worker control’ or ‘Industrial Democracy’, a form of Communism developed under Marshal Tito in Communist Yugoslavia, which had been a Soviet satellite.  Industrial Democracy has been called ‘the true heir of Karl Marx’.

The form of Communism called Industrial Democracy is also known as ‘worker control’ or ‘worker self-management’.  This is precisely the kind of system planned for Quebec in the 1972 manifesto of the Parti Québécois!

Industrial Democracy terminates the free-market enterprise system as we know it.  In 1972, the president of the Quebec Employers Council, Mr. Charles Perrault, said that if ever the PQ plan (its 1972 manifesto) were implemented, which is based on Industrial Democracy, it would mean “the Apocalypse of business”.  It would be the end of free enterprise.  In other words, Quebec would become a Communist system.  This is, in fact, what the public was forced to “vote” for in 1980 and again in 1995 in the Quebec “sovereignty” referendums:  COMMUNISM!


Ripley’s Canadian Believe It Or Not:  Marxist-Leninists Support the “Sovereignty” of Canada, as Deceptively Promoted by Communist Connie Fogal Rankin!


Blast from the Past

This very good post of mine from 2010 in blogspot belongs here at CANADA How the Communists Took Control.  It’s further documentation proving the Communist nature of the Canadian Action Party (CAP) set up in 1997 by red Paul Hellyer, former cabinet minister under Soviet agent Pearson and Communist Pierre Trudeau.

The Canadian (Soviet) Action Party (CAP) was founded by Hellyer, a former Trudeau appointee (who now chases UFO’s and urges we humans to “partner” in “development” with aliens whom an ex-Air-Force pal of Hellyer’s psychically communes with).

Hellyer recruited staunch Vancouver Communist Connie Fogal Rankin, the wife of Harry Rankin who was barred from entry to the United States, to lead the CAP.

This is an episode from the positive Communist coverage of Connie’s attempt to con Canadians into voting Yes or No on the North American Union, which the Constitution of Canada actually forbids.  Connie and the Canadian (Soviet) Action Party had the full support of the Marxist-Leninists, who cheered her on at her rallies.

* * *

On April 17th, 2008, the MARXIST-LENINIST DAILY published its coverage and support of the Canadian Action Party, then led by well known Communist Constance Clara Fogal Rankin, bull-horn in hand, Alex-Jones style, marching to demand a “binding referendum” on the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), which means on the annexation of Canada to the USA in a Communist regional union.  That’s what the North American Union really is.  Otherwise, obviously, the Marxist-Leninists wouldn’t support it as eagerly as they do.

The ML Daily entitles its coverage: 

“Toronto Rally Demands Binding Referendum on Canada’s Participation in the SPP”.

The ML Daily means Connie Fogal Rankin’s Toronto Rally!

Says the ML Daily:

“Hundreds of people participated in the rally demanding an end to Canada’s participation in the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), saying No! to a North American Union and yes to Canadian sovereignty.”

The article also reports that

“[t]he specific demand put forward by the rally was for a binding referendum of the Canadian people to decide whether or not Canada would continue to participate in the SPP.”

The ML Daily continues:

“The Canadian Action Party, the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada, Green Party and Libertarian Party” sent speakers to address the rally.”

And, continuing:

“Pierre Chenier spoke on behalf of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada.

[I don’t suppose he’s the same Pierre Chenier of Paul Rose’s “Chenier cell” of the terrorist group which kidnapped and is alleged to have murdered Quebec Labour Minister, Pierre Laporte at the outset of the 1970 October Crisis under Communist prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau.  On the other hand this Marxist Chenier who marched for the pro-Referendum gang on the SPP in 2008 has been a long-time member of the Communist Party of Canada and the Marxist-Leninists; he has sought political office many times in both Ontario and Quebec.  He was 54 in 2008, 56-ish in 2008 at the SPP march. He would have been 17-ish in 1970.  That’s about the right age for terrorist recruits.  His occupation is that of a printer; would have come in handy running off broadsides for the FLQ…  Does anyone have any more information?  Is this the same Pierre Chenier?]

Marching with the Canadian Action Party in 2008, Pierre Chenier forcefully stated that Canada must get out of aggressive annexationist treaties such as SPP, as well as NAFTA and NATO …  these treaties violate Canada’s sovereignty … Our Party will continue to go all out to build the unity in action of Canadians to defeat the SPP and this North American Union, he concluded.”

Did you get that? The anti-national Communists are claiming to support Canadian sovereignty!

They support an end to the SPP and NAFTA, which are the basis of continental merger and hemispheric union … on the way to world government, which is globalism, which is exactly what Communism was founded to achieve.

Chenier and Connie won’t be defeating SPP and NAFTA with a vote:  the referendu, they demand on the annexation of Canada contravenes the Constitution of Canada which prohibits Canada’s annexation.

Thus, while seemingly opposed to “aggressive annexationist” action, Chenier and the Marxist-Leninists are in fact aggressively backing annexation by introducing the forbidden “option” of a Yes to it.  Just like Communist Connie Fogal and the Canadian Action Party.

We are supposed to take at face value that Marxist-Leninists joined forces with the Canadian Action Party and other assorted leftists at a rally to demand a binding referendum on whether Canada should be annexed to the USA and that the Marxists were there to help save Canada!

Evidently, what they were there to do was to help shove Canada over the brink by encouraging naive Canadians to put the Constitution of Canada up to a crap shoot —

What else is wrong with this picture?

[1] The MARXISTS (via Fidel Castro) were behind the founding in 1959-1963 of the FLQ — the Front de libération du Québec, a terrorist group set up in Quebec to destroy the Constitution of Canada for an “open society” based in the FLQ’s understanding of Marxist ideology.

[2] The Constitution of Canada, as the supreme and binding law of Canada, by its own existence and operation, absolutely prohibits the annexation of Canada to the United States of America.  Indeed, Canada was founded in 1867 to prevent annexation; this being the constitutional purpose of the founding statute, it is not merely an “option”.  Forbidden means forbidden.  A “referendum” on the SPP, an extension of NAFTA, and aimed to integrate Canada into the USA and Mexico, thus annexing Canada, introduces an option which the Constitution does not allow.  For details on how the Constitution forbids Canada’s annexation, see my post The Constitution 101:  Canadian Federalism and Self-Government for Dummies

The illusion of “democracy” is being used by the Canadian Action Party and its hard-core Communist backers, to introduce a highly manageable risk of tricking Canadians into voting Yes to annex Canada to the USA and Mexico.

Canadians foolish enough to believe in such an option and to vote in such a referendum would be shooting themselves in their political foot — to the absolute delight of the Marxist-Leninists.

Within just a few days after I located, and thank God downloaded, this rally-coverage page from the ML Daily web site, the page disappeared from its URL.  It had been in the online archives of the Marxist-Leninist Daily (called the “Le Marxiste-Léniniste quotidien) in French:

Original link:  http://www.cpcml.ca/Tmld2008/D38058.htm#3

I found the google cache, however, and PDF’d it along with the dead link.  The ML daily rally review is also online today in the Wayback Machine.  Scroll down to see:  Toronto Rally Demands Binding Referendum on Canada’s Participation in the SPP.

The 2008 Rally to demand a “Binding Referendum” on the annexation of Canada was emceed by Canadian Action Party candidate, Vijay Sarma an anti-wihte racist who equates “white” people with “Nazis” (standard Commie line) and who married old-bag Connie (born 1940 and triple his age), in 2007.  Vijay has thus sacrificed his fecund “Black Krishna” sperm to the Party for the greater good and (as implied by Vijay) the greater gratification of Comrade Connie.

Attack those nasty white people, Vijay!  Destroy them, destroy their countries!  Force them into a racist, anti-white, anti-national Red Region!  Take their institutions from them, genocide them!  Do it for Israel, Vijay.  And your reward is in the sack.  Er, I mean bag — er, I mean, oh well.

MPVij (aka Black Krishna) and Connie Fogal  (wedding pic)

MPVij (aka Black Krishna) and Connie Fogal (wedding pic)

MPVij (aka Black Krishna) and Connie Fogal  (wedding pic)

MPVij (aka Black Krishna) and Connie Fogal (wedding pic)

MPVij (aka Black Krishna) and Connie Fogal  (wedding pic)

MPVij (aka Black Krishna) and Connie Fogal (wedding pic)

Vijay Sarma, Marxist child-groom and toy-boy, married Comrade Connie Fogal Rankin (born 1940)!  Connie must be so glad that old man, Harry Rankin, finally dropped dead of a multiple bypass!  But not without a last song good-bye.  Connie hired a choir, no less, to bid farewell to die-hard Stalinist Harry at his 2002 funeral, with the Communist hymn, the “Internationale“.

Harry Rankin Obit by Doug Ward

“Rankin Service Honors ‘Working Class Hero'”, Harry Rankin Obit by Doug Ward for The Vancouver Sun, Monday, March 11, 2002 page B3

The Toronto instance of the pro-referendum action was organized by Canadian Action Party leadership contender Wendy Forrest and Karen Wittke, using a Facebook group to summon participants for the rally.

Connie in her Vijay Wedding Dress on Howard Phillips's Conservative Caucus

Communist Connie Fogal Rankin partners with Conservative Presidential candidate, Howard Phillips, to Stop the North American Union!

But wait, I wanted you to see Connie’s wedding pictures because she got so much extra use out of that dress:  as the demure guest of Conservative Constitution Party leader and U.S. presidential candidate Howard Phillips and his, believe it not, Conservative Caucus.  From the far left to the far right, Comrade Connie’s got the big red Zionist North American Union covered!

Connie also partnered with Howard Phillips’s Coalition to Block the North American Union, backed by none other than Congressman Ron Paul (Secession Is an American Principle:  Ron Paul:com)! … It would pretty much have to be … to get the North American Union done.  Subscribe for that post coming up.

“The Star of Bethlehem was one of God’s Flying Saucers”:  Season’s Greetings from Paul Hellyer … and the Skull & Bones?

“I don’t know if you’re a person who’s ever read the Bible or not, but I think the Star of Bethlehem was one of God’s flying saucers.”

Download this video clip:  https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code=kZWPhxZP6NwN7FH4EzWRsoloq4uhygBviqV

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, and all through the stars, alien life forms were stirring from the Dipper to Mars …

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, and more entertaining.  Paul Hellyer is a former National Defense Minister under Soviet Agent Lester Pearson and then under Red Mole Pierre Trudeau.  Hellyer founded the Canadian Action Party (the CAP) in 1997 to put the sovereignty of Canada up to a vote1

He and his former successor as leader of the CAP, well known Communist Connie Fogal-Rankin, would like the Canadian parliament to have a “democratic mandate” from the Canadian people for the North American Union.  (The BNA Act of 1867 prohibits North American Union, so these cons have introduced the forbidden as an “option”.)

However, the deeper truth behind the Canadian Action Party is truly bizarre. 2  And there is no way to spoof it for you to celebrate Christmas-New Year’s 2016-2017, other than to expose the truth.

Therefore, listen to Paul Theodore Hellyer — on Russian TV to boot (Putin’s favorite propaganda channel) — when he tells the cameras:

“I think the Star of Bethlehem was one of God’s flying saucers.”

Hellyer’s interviewer, Sophie Shevardnadze, evidently perplexed, can only reply, “Uhum” to the news that a flying saucer had hovered over Bethlehem to announce the birth of Jesus.

But that mythic scenario fits precisely into the intergalactic-theocratic-Urantia cult behind Paul Hellyer’s Canadian Action Party.

I think the Star of Bethlehem was one of God’s flying saucers

Paul Hellyer:  “I think the Star of Bethlehem was one of God’s flying saucers.”

When Hellyer says, “one of God’s flying saucers”, he is referring to the Book of Urantia peddled by Canadian Action Party president Paul Kemp.

In its internal, non-public culture, Hellyer’s Canadian Action Party supports a one-world government, a globalist religion (Urantia), alien-human hybridization, and membership of the Earth (real name, Urantia) in an interplanetary federation.  The scam is that Earth must have world government in order to be admitted to the federation.

Add to this an intergalactic Jesus incarnated throughout the infinite alien-populated worlds advanced as “fact” and “truth” in Paul Kemp’s presentation of the Urantia Book, and you start to see why Hellyer would announce:  “the Star of Bethlehem was one of God’s flying saucers.”

The Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group are presumed by Urantia “believers” at CAP to have received “alien contact”.  This is why these sainted organizations, run by the world’s worst Evilarchy, are motivated to form a one-world government:  so that Earth can join “galactic society”.

One such believer is Paul Kemp’s friend, retired U.S. Air Force Lt.-Col Don Ware, who admits to channeling telepathic aliens.  Ware is said to have claimed: 

“In 1989, after studying and learning more about the non-physical aspects of the universe, I was used by a higher intelligence to send a message to the generals at Eglin Air Force Base.”

Also, says Ware:

“I accept the idea that intelligent life is abundant throughout the universe, in both incarnate and discarnate forms”

“the normal means of communication by higher intelligence is telepathic”

“Millions of Americans are participating in a hybridization program with short beings from Zeta Reticula.”

“The main reason alien liaison is increasing now is because our planet is being transformed to support a new world order.”

Notice anything familiar yet?

Ware continues:

“The new order is destined to support a learning process that is one step beyond the human experience of free-will choices.”

A world Marxist dictatorship is “one step beyond” “free-will choices”.  Coincidence?  Give up your free will for the greater good of the intergalactic collective!  Just what we need!  Space aliens who are Marxists!  Perhaps Karl channeled the Manifesto from telepathic Zeta Reticulans?

“… the new world order can become what Jesus described as heaven on Earth.”

The Warburg-financed Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, viewed by many as the founding father of the European Union (first chunk of the world-government system laid in place) said in his 1925 book, Practical Idealism:

Through the ages Jewry has remained faithful to the theocratic idea of the identification of politics and ethics:  Christianity and Socialism are both attempts to create an earthly paradise.  [lit.:  a State of God]  Now, the Kemp web sites prominently feature the Star of David and the flag of Israel in the Urantia scheme for an intergalactic federation of world-governments.

Don Ware continues:

“I think the Bilderburgers [sic], the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations in America is influenced by alien liaison.”

“I think many members of these groups recognize that having a government that can speak for all of the people of the world is a prerequisite to joining a galactic society.”

“Economies are coalescing into three major economic blocks, and advanced communication and transportation systems are allowing a great inter-mingling of societies.”

The Urantia cult is a spinoff from the 7th-Day Adventists who themselves spun off David Koresh’s Messianic Branch Davidians.  The Branch Davidians met their tragic end in a bloody FBI siege in 1993 at Waco, Texas.  (It is alleged that Hillary Rodham Clinton ordered the massacre.)

Waco (wacko?) is also the home of the alleged Bush-Fox-Martin signature in 2005 of a non-released document behind the “Security and Prosperity Partnership” of North America, to complete a regional union (“regionalism is Communism”, says Charlotte Iserbyt of NewsWithViews) on the pretext of 9/11.

The “Urantia Book” behind the cult is a faked “religious” document “channeled” by a member of the Kellogg family.  The same family produced at least four members of the ominous “Skull & Bones” secret society.

The object of the Urantia cult is world government for the Earth (Urantia), where the Earth is just one among an infinite number of planets in an interstellar federation of planets, each with its own world government.  The aliens inhabiting these “worlds of space” are all portrayed as “higher intelligences”, “advanced beings” whom we Urantians ought to emulate.

At the center of the whole federation is God on the middle planet.  Which explains the reference of Paul Hellyer in the news clip to “one of God’s flying saucers”.  This is pure Urantia Book.  (And no, we don’t know yet if God is David Rockefeller.)

So the purpose for pretending to “channel” a 2000-page book to kick-start a new religion might well be sinister.

And, sinister it is when you discover the passages in the Urantia Book (the cult’s “Bible”) demanding a one-world government.

Now, world government is what the Canadian Action Party claims to oppose when addressing the public.  But, one-world government is a religious  tenet of the UFO cult manically pursued behind the scenes by Canadian Action Party founder Paul Hellyer and his conspiratorial Executive members.

The Canadian Action Party’s president, Paul Kemp, literally preaches Urantia on and off-line (see his Facebook page and his collection of “other worlds of space” web sites linked below).  According to Kemp, the Urantia Book says:

134:6.4  Another world war will teach the so-called sovereign nations to form some sort of federation, thus creating the machinery for preventing small wars, wars between the lesser nations.

The malign intelligence behind the words “will teach” in that passage is too startling to be ignored.  In the past few years, self-styled analyst Joel M. Skousen, nephew of W. Cleon Skousen who published The Naked Communist and The Naked Capitalist, has been warning that “they are planning a war for us”.

Says Skousen to Alex Jones, in the advertising film for his book Strategic Relocation (drumming up business for Skousen’s profession installing hi-tech nuclear bomb shelters for the mobile rich):

“Well, part of it is that they don’t understand the nature of the conspiracy.  They don’t understand that there is a great powerful force not only to take down Liberty, which is what their agenda is, but to make sure that they don’t get the blame for it.

So, they are going to use — they blame it on anyone, they blame it on the free market, they blame it on “business cycle”.  It’s not the business cycle, it’s the monetary cycle created by the Fed.

And ultimately, these people are going to escape blame, because they are planning a war for usA third world-warA nuclear war.  Which in fact will wipe out a great deal of the financial centers and will let them to walk away and say, ‘It wasn’t our fault’.”

“The Fed” is the U.S. Federal Reserve bank, which is not a national bank but a private bank.  The Federal Reserve is composed of all the same banking interests behind the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) which for over a century has engineered all the major wars, including World Wars I and II, financing both sides.

The goal of this Bankers’ protection racket was to push the free nations of the world to the bargaining table, there to create a world government.  With the creation of the United Nations Organization in 1945, stage one has been accomplished.  The table has been laid.  Stage two is underway, and Hellyer and Company are playing “the alien card“.

We therefore have currently playing out before us, an apparently Marxist, Bankster-friendly Urantia UFO cult, hybridized with Christianity and with Zionist forces.  For Paul Kemp’s Urantia web sites all use the Star of David and the flags of Israel and the United Nations as twin pennons of the desired World Order over Earth in an interplanetary federation.

All are pushing naive people to accept, on religious faith, the spirituality and “goodness” of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, his Marxist Council on Foreign Relations, and his pro-Communist Bilderbergers.

Enameled onto this religious tenet is the requirement that Urantia believers agree that national sovereignty is poisonous, and the cause of wars.

National sovereignty is not the cause of wars; the Bankers are the cause of wars.  Wars could not be fought without financing.  It is well known that the Rothschild bankers have financed both sides in most European wars for hundreds of years.  They financed both sides in the last Napoleonic War, and capitalized on their advance knowledge of Napoleon’s defeat, to trick the British markets into a panic so the Rothschilds could buy up stock at rock-bottom prices.  As a consequence, it is hotly rumored, the Rothschilds thus acquired control of the Bank of England.

Another passage from the Urantia Book, as posted by the CAP’s Paul Kemp, gives a very strong hint as to who is really behind this phony religion and UFO cult:

134:6.11  Under global government the national groups will be afforded a real opportunity to realize and enjoy the personal liberties of genuine democracy.  The fallacy of self-determination will be ended.  With global regulation of money and trade will come the new era of world-wide peace.  Soon may a global language evolve, and there will be at least some hope of sometime having a global religion — or religions with a global viewpoint.

Let me read a little from Vladimir Lenin’s Collected Works, page 499, Volume 19, March-December 1913 in a letter to S.G. Shahumyan of December 6th, 1913:

“Why will you not understand the psychology that is so important in the national question and which, if the slightest coercion is applied, besmirches, soils, nullifies the undoubtedly progressive importance of centralisation, large states and a uniform language?”

Lenin continues, linking his view of how a global language must “evolve” spurred by the development of a “capitalist” economy:

“But the economy is still more important than psychology:  in Russia we already have a capitalist economy, which makes the Russian language essential.  But you have no faith in the power of the economy and want to prop it up with the crutches of the rotten police regime.”

Apparently, Paul Hellyer and the Canadian Action Party are propping up Marxist world government on the crutches of a phony UFO cult.

On the topic of “democracy”, Lenin had this to say in his September 7th, 1913 article in Pravda (page 357, Vol. 19, Collected Works), although when Lenin says “alien” he probably doesn’t have in mind the inducement to world government promoted by Hellyer.

“Working-class democracy counterposes to the nationalist wrangling of the various bourgeois parties over questions of language, etc., the demand for the unconditional unity and complete solidarity of workers of all nationalities in all working-class organisations — trade union, co-operative, consumers’, educational and all others — in contradistinction to any kind of bourgeois nationalism.  Only this type of unity and solidarity can uphold democracy and defend the interests of the workers against capital — which is already international and is becoming more so — and promote the development of mankind towards a new way of life that is alien to all privileges and all exploitation.”

But what of the Canadian Action Party’s “global religion”!  Have the Marxists conceded the value of blending the behavioral goals of their materialist religion with the enforcement function of religion over “primitive instincts” to free choice and self-determination?

Perhaps Maurice Strong will emerge with a more complex version of Urantia, itself, linked to phony man-made “climate change”?

Urantia is pretty deadly stuff; and it’s targeted to securing compliance with a Bankster-engineered overthrow of Western Civilization by a naive element of that same population.

Basically, when the views that the Evilarchy wants people to hold become tenets held on faith; they are no longer open to challenge in the real world outside that hypnotically wobbling orb of the imaginary universe created by Urantia around its advocates.

The Urantia cult as promoted by Heller converts the Banksters and their Marxist Council on Foreign Relations, their Trilateral Commission and extended networks into collaborators of Christ to create a world government “paradise” on Earth, as part of an intergalactic federation where it is possible to voyage to the middle planet and meet God; (or perhaps David Rockefeller).

Bloggers including Tim Boucher have questioned whether Hellyer has lost his mind.  Indeed, I believe there is calculated method to Hellyer’s apparent madness.  His “far out” Urantia cult enables a real political power grab advanced through mind control exerted over a fringe element with limited capacities for critical judgment.

As for me, I’m betting that “God” will turn out to be a trans-humanized, brain-transplanted Evelyn de Rothschild, ensconced upon the Divine Hijacked British Throne at the center of Kemp’s wacky Universe.

I hope the galactic truth about Paul Hellyer and the Canadian Action Party has set you free!

Merry Christmas, everybody, and a Cosmic New Year!


Paul Kemp’s Facebook Page:


A few of Paul Kemp’s Urantia web sites:

Other quick statements of Hellyer’s on alien contact:

DOWNLOAD:  https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code=XZveBxZ0pvcPawBEtLBVW2IXmPogQP3oHFV
Hellyer:  Decades Ago, Aliens Wanted to Help Us!

DOWNLOAD:  https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code=XZ4nBxZdPYMppxfzA4vCJ0kM215I7dnBzGV
Hellyer:  Has America Developed Flying Saucers?

DOWNLOAD:  https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code=XZbnBxZeqtN8137TjYQmjpo6EaV301MYf7k
Hellyer:  “Paranoid” Military Disdain Aliens as “Partners in Development”

For another fun read, look for “The Canadians are getting ready for the aliens.  Are you?” by “The New Tim Boucher” posted on November 27, 2005 at 2:53, now in The Wayback Machine.
1  In 2003, Paul Hellyer tried to merge the Canadian Action Party with the New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP).  The NDP has always been a full member of the Socialist International (SI), whose platform is world government (Oslo Declaration, 1962).  The fact that Hellyer tried to merge the CAP with the NDP proves that Hellyer is in favor of world government.

The text of the Declaration of the Socialist International endorsed at the Council Conference held in Oslo on 2-4 June 1962, is online at the web site of the SI, itself.

Source: http://www.socialistinternational.org/viewArticle.cfm?ArticleID=2133

Backup @ Calameo: http://en.calameo.com/books/000747447c87ba69f7cac

It says:


“The ultimate objective of the parties of the Socialist International is nothing less than world government. As a first step towards it, they seek to strengthen the United Nations so that it may become more and more effective as an instrument for maintaining peace.”

2  Back around 2009, a concerned member of the Canadian Action Party who was inside and able to observe the “pro” world government activity of the CAP and its Urantia UFO cult, began to leak documents on these hypocrites who were pretending to save Canada’s “sovereignty”.

Some Fun Fast Clips of Paul Hellyer on “Space Aliens”

Thank you very much to Terry Le Blanc, Former Organizational Chair for the Canadian Action Party, for leaking all those nuggets on Hellyer, Fogal, Moulden, and the CAP’s world-government Urantia cult.  Merry Christmas, Terry!  Sadly, Terry’s pages are no longer online, not even in The Wayback Machine.


The Communist Parti Québécois Elects a New Communist Leader:  Jean-François Lisée (7 October 2016)

Who is Lisée?

Jean-François Lisée, new leader of the Communist Parti Québécois

Jean-François Lisée was elected the new leader of the Communist Parti Québécois on October 7th, 2016

On Friday evening, October 7th, 2016 in Lévis, Québec, the Communist and unconstitutional Parti Québécois elected Communist Jean-François Lisée as its new leader.  The Montreal Gazette online (October 8, 2016 updated 12:12) announced that on the second ballot Lisée “squeaked to victory with 50.63 per cent of the vote” with “a turnout of 75.09 per cent”, “higher than in the 2015 race”.

The mainstream (controlled media) of the corporate socialists will never tell Canadians that the PQ’s 1972 manifesto plans a Communist state of Quebec with devolution of powers to Soviet-style megacities on the model of Moscow.  Nor have they told you that Lisée himself is a Communist.


In 1995, at the time of the Quebec referendum, Lisée is a hired advisor to the Communist Parti Québécois whose 1972 manifesto, in French only, reveals to party militants (the far-left) the PQ’s true hidden plans for a fully Communist state of Quebec (i.e., the PQ itself is far left, a fact suppressed from the news).  Free enterprise will be abolished.  There will be socialist planning conducted by expanded and revalorized metropolitan regions.  A form of Yugoslav-style Communism will be implemented with worker self-management.

At the present stage of the mass immigration which is harmonizing Canada with the Soviet Union, the metropolitan regions will be multicultural.

Government after a UDI will therefore bear no resemblance to Confederation.  It will have no ethnic connection whatsoever to the self-government of the French Canadians.  The French Canadians will indeed be just one more ethnic minority amongst the hundreds of unconstitutionally mass-immigrated ethnic minorities (i.e., majorities from elsewhere).

In Communist Quebec, the citizen will have his “place” and will not be indicating his political preferences to elected representatives, nor telling the planning “experts” what to do.  If any vestige of a “parliament” remains, it will be on the Soviet model for the purpose of rubber-stamping the planning decisions of the experts.

Jacques Parizeau, leading the de facto  PQ government, has put Lisée on staff, on taxpayer’s nickel, to be his 1995 referendum strategist.

Lisée comes up with:

[a]  the tripartite agreement — a glitzy media-covered public “signing” by the three “separatist” political party leaders, of the scenario for Quebec “sovereignty” on a Yes.  (Where there is no legal power to act, find an interesting “procedure” to distract the audience.)

[P.S.  The third “separatist” leader, Mario Dumont, has no clue what’s really going on.  He’s being taken advantage of, and doesn’t know it.]

[b]  and, Lisée writes the 1995 referendum question.

P.S. again  The 1995 referendum was more than likely very highly rigged.

A Communist Country from Coast to Coast

Jean-François Lisée is a “former” Marxist-Leninist “leader” who in his youth — like Gilles Duceppe (a “former” Marxist-Leninist-Maoist “leader”) — desired with all his heart and soul to make of Canada a Communist country from coast to coast.

Two quick sources identify Lisée with this objective.

The first is a book review of the French book by Jean-Philippe Warren entitled ‘Ils voulaient changer le monde.  Le militantisme marxiste-léniniste au Québec’.  My translation: ‘They wanted to change the world:  Militant Marxist-Leninism in Quebec’.  The pertinent extract of the review — again, my translation (original French below)1 — reads as follows:

“It is not a question, one would have understood, of the end of the affair.  But as long as one is satisfied to seize the adventure of the extreme-left by its most delirious and most disastrous end (celebration of the regime of Pol Pot, sectarian organisational practices, the fanatic battle against the revisionists), one will not be able to understand the reasons which led a cluster of educated and politicized young people — today occupying eminent positions in the media, the universities and the political parties (Jean-François Lisée, Gilles Duceppe, Robert Comeau, Alain Saulnier) — to give body and soul to the construction of a communist society from coast to coast.”

The reviewer means coast to coast of Canada.  (Obviously, at minimum, as there is North American Union and Western Hemispheric Union to be completed on the way to World Union, where all cultures and all races will be homogenized to eliminate any distinctions, and thus all trace of the ethnic principle of national sovereignty.)

My other quick source is a page from the French web site of the Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire (Revolutionary Communist Party) of 20-11-2005, being their Drapeau Rouge Express No 71  [translation:  Red Flag Express No. 71.  This issue explores the life of then recently deceased former FLQ terrorist leader, Charles Gagnon, (who was in fact employed by Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Gérard Pelletier at their pro-Soviet review, Cité Libre, along with his fellow future co-leader of the FLQ terrorists, Pierre Vallières, before the two “left” Cité Libre to launch their own FLQ terrorist cell).

In the course of its necrology on Gagnon, the Red Flag Express mentions both Jean-François Lisée and Gilles Duceppe.  We now find that both of these men have been involved throughout their well-heeled careers in the so-called Quebec “secession” movement — which is a front to “negotiate” the dismantling of Canada for the EEC-EU system, i.e., for the Communist regional union begun in Europe and acknowledged by Mikhail Gorbachev as the “New European Soviet”.

In the course of its necrology on Gagnon, the Red Flag Express mentions both Jean-François Lisée and Gilles Duceppe.  We now find that both of these men have been involved throughout their well-heeled careers in the so-called Quebec “secession” movement — which is a front to “negotiate” the dismantling of Canada for the EEC-EU system, i.e., for regional union.  Both Lisée and Duceppe are involved in pulling off the North American regional union.

Après la dissolution de l’OCML EN LUTTE! en 1982, Gagnon s’est exilé quelque temps au Mexique et s’est retiré de la vie politique active. Contrairement à bon nombre d’anciens dirigeants des organisations M-L des années 1970 qui se sont intégrés dans les hautes sphères de la classe politique bourgeoise après avoir expié leur «crimes» et exprimé leur repentir (les Gilles Duceppe, Pierre-Paul Roy, Jean-François Lisée et autres Robert Comeau de ce monde), Charles Gagnon, s’il a lui aussi renié le marxisme, a eu le mérite de s’en tenir à certaines positions de principe : ainsi a-t-il toujours tenu à dénoncer l’hypocrisie de la bourgeoisie, en particulier de l’intelligentsia nationaliste québécoise.

After the dissolution of the OCML EN LUTTE! in 1982, Gagnon went into self-exile for awhile in Mexico and withdrew from active political life. Contrary to a good number of former leaders of Marxist-Leninist organizations in the 1970s, who joined the upper spheres of the bourgeois political class after having atoned for their “crimes” and expressed their repentance (Gilles Duceppe, Pierre-Paul Roy, Jean-François Lisée and other Robert Comeau’s of this world), Charles Gagnon, even if he too had disavowed Marxism, to his credit stuck to certain positions of principle:  thus he always made a point of denouncing the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie, in particular of the Québécois nationalist intelligentsia.

When the Red Flag Express refers to the “national question”, it means of course the “sovereignty” of Quebec.  However, according to my original research, Quebec’s alleged hot pursuit after “sovereignty” is a front for getting the “negotiations” done to dismantle Canada for North American regional union.

We are expected to believe that these “former” Marxist-Leninist “leaders” “repented” of their “crimes” and joined the “Establishment” in politics.

I think that is a myth like the Cold War and the fall of Communism.  These two men are carrying off the revolution, right now.  They are replacing the population, changing the form of government, eliminating the national boundary (North American Union on the pretext of 9/11 2), altering the ruling ideology, forming the regional union.

Everything they are doing now in “Establishment” politics was their quest as Marxist-Leninists and Maoists.

Could it be that the Establishment has fooled the Marxist-Leninists?  Or have the Marxist-Leninists fooled the Establishment?

In the end, will there be a power struggle between the Establishment and the Marxist-Leninists for control of the Communist region they will have worked so feverishly together to create?  Perhaps a combination of Sino-Soviet military power, both of which are currently in expansion, will answer that question.


Read my exclusive English remedial translation of Jean-François Lisée’s “The Secret Committee at Power” where we learn that PIERRE ELLIOTT TRUDEAU and fellow REDS under Soviet agent Lester Bowles Pearson in the prime minister’s office of Canada, sitting on a “secret committee” on the premises of Power Corporation, ordered Communist Lévesque to organize and set up the PARTI QUEBECOIS …
1  http://www.revueargument.ca/ Numéro : vol. 11 no. 1 Automne 08 – Hiver 09:

“Il ne s’agit pas, on l’aura compris, de la conclusion de l’affaire. Mais tant qu’on se contentera de saisir l’aventure de l’extrême-gauche par son bout le plus délirant et le plus funeste (célébration du régime de Pol Pot, pratiques organisationnelles sectaires, lutte fanatique contre les révisionnistes), on ne pourra pas comprendre les motifs qui ont conduit une pléiade de jeunes éduqués et politisés – occupant aujourd’hui des positions éminentes dans les médias, les universités et les partis politiques (Jean-François Lisée, Gilles Duceppe, Robert Comeau, Alain Saulnier) – à se donner corps et âme à la construction d’une société communiste from coast to coast.”

2  in fact the Communist PQ was in New York on 9/11 with a cultural trade mission at the Towers.  Source:  Le 11 septembre et nous  by André Duchesne (Boréal)