The Communist Parti Québécois Elects a New Communist Leader:  Jean-François Lisée (7 October 2016)

Who is Lisée?

Jean-François Lisée, new leader of the Communist Parti Québécois

Jean-François Lisée was elected the new leader of the Communist Parti Québécois on October 7th, 2016

On Friday evening, October 7th, 2016 in Lévis, Québec, the Communist and unconstitutional Parti Québécois elected Communist Jean-François Lisée as its new leader.  The Montreal Gazette online (October 8, 2016 updated 12:12) announced that on the second ballot Lisée “squeaked to victory with 50.63 per cent of the vote” with “a turnout of 75.09 per cent”, “higher than in the 2015 race”.

The mainstream (controlled media) of the corporate socialists will never tell Canadians that the PQ’s 1972 manifesto plans a Communist state of Quebec with devolution of powers to Soviet-style megacities on the model of Moscow.  Nor have they told you that Lisée himself is a Communist.


In 1995, at the time of the Quebec referendum, Lisée is a hired advisor to the Communist Parti Québécois whose 1972 manifesto, in French only, reveals to party militants (the far-left) the PQ’s true hidden plans for a fully Communist state of Quebec (i.e., the PQ itself is far left, a fact suppressed from the news).  Free enterprise will be abolished.  There will be socialist planning conducted by expanded and revalorized metropolitan regions.  A form of Yugoslav-style Communism will be implemented with worker self-management.

At the present stage of the mass immigration which is harmonizing Canada with the Soviet Union, the metropolitan regions will be multicultural.

Government after a UDI will therefore bear no resemblance to Confederation.  It will have no ethnic connection whatsoever to the self-government of the French Canadians.  The French Canadians will indeed be just one more ethnic minority amongst the hundreds of unconstitutionally mass-immigrated ethnic minorities (i.e., majorities from elsewhere).

In Communist Quebec, the citizen will have his “place” and will not be indicating his political preferences to elected representatives, nor telling the planning “experts” what to do.  If any vestige of a “parliament” remains, it will be on the Soviet model for the purpose of rubber-stamping the planning decisions of the experts.

Jacques Parizeau, leading the de facto  PQ government, has put Lisée on staff, on taxpayer’s nickel, to be his 1995 referendum strategist.

Lisée comes up with:

[a]  the tripartite agreement — a glitzy media-covered public “signing” by the three “separatist” political party leaders, of the scenario for Quebec “sovereignty” on a Yes.  (Where there is no legal power to act, find an interesting “procedure” to distract the audience.)

[P.S.  The third “separatist” leader, Mario Dumont, has no clue what’s really going on.  He’s being taken advantage of, and doesn’t know it.]

[b]  and, Lisée writes the 1995 referendum question.

P.S. again  The 1995 referendum was more than likely very highly rigged.

A Communist Country from Coast to Coast

Jean-François Lisée is a “former” Marxist-Leninist “leader” who in his youth — like Gilles Duceppe (a “former” Marxist-Leninist-Maoist “leader”) — desired with all his heart and soul to make of Canada a Communist country from coast to coast.

Two quick sources identify Lisée with this objective.

The first is a book review of the French book by Jean-Philippe Warren entitled ‘Ils voulaient changer le monde.  Le militantisme marxiste-léniniste au Québec’.  My translation: ‘They wanted to change the world:  Militant Marxist-Leninism in Quebec’.  The pertinent extract of the review — again, my translation (original French below)1 — reads as follows:

“It is not a question, one would have understood, of the end of the affair.  But as long as one is satisfied to seize the adventure of the extreme-left by its most delirious and most disastrous end (celebration of the regime of Pol Pot, sectarian organisational practices, the fanatic battle against the revisionists), one will not be able to understand the reasons which led a cluster of educated and politicized young people — today occupying eminent positions in the media, the universities and the political parties (Jean-François Lisée, Gilles Duceppe, Robert Comeau, Alain Saulnier) — to give body and soul to the construction of a communist society from coast to coast.”

The reviewer means coast to coast of Canada.  (Obviously, at minimum, as there is North American Union and Western Hemispheric Union to be completed on the way to World Union, where all cultures and all races will be homogenized to eliminate any distinctions, and thus all trace of the ethnic principle of national sovereignty.)

My other quick source is a page from the French web site of the Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire (Revolutionary Communist Party) of 20-11-2005, being their Drapeau Rouge Express No 71  [translation:  Red Flag Express No. 71.  This issue explores the life of then recently deceased former FLQ terrorist leader, Charles Gagnon, (who was in fact employed by Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Gérard Pelletier at their pro-Soviet review, Cité Libre, along with his fellow future co-leader of the FLQ terrorists, Pierre Vallières, before the two “left” Cité Libre to launch their own FLQ terrorist cell).

In the course of its necrology on Gagnon, the Red Flag Express mentions both Jean-François Lisée and Gilles Duceppe.  We now find that both of these men have been involved throughout their well-heeled careers in the so-called Quebec “secession” movement — which is a front to “negotiate” the dismantling of Canada for the EEC-EU system, i.e., for the Communist regional union begun in Europe and acknowledged by Mikhail Gorbachev as the “New European Soviet”.

In the course of its necrology on Gagnon, the Red Flag Express mentions both Jean-François Lisée and Gilles Duceppe.  We now find that both of these men have been involved throughout their well-heeled careers in the so-called Quebec “secession” movement — which is a front to “negotiate” the dismantling of Canada for the EEC-EU system, i.e., for regional union.  Both Lisée and Duceppe are involved in pulling off the North American regional union.

Après la dissolution de l’OCML EN LUTTE! en 1982, Gagnon s’est exilé quelque temps au Mexique et s’est retiré de la vie politique active. Contrairement à bon nombre d’anciens dirigeants des organisations M-L des années 1970 qui se sont intégrés dans les hautes sphères de la classe politique bourgeoise après avoir expié leur «crimes» et exprimé leur repentir (les Gilles Duceppe, Pierre-Paul Roy, Jean-François Lisée et autres Robert Comeau de ce monde), Charles Gagnon, s’il a lui aussi renié le marxisme, a eu le mérite de s’en tenir à certaines positions de principe : ainsi a-t-il toujours tenu à dénoncer l’hypocrisie de la bourgeoisie, en particulier de l’intelligentsia nationaliste québécoise.

After the dissolution of the OCML EN LUTTE! in 1982, Gagnon went into self-exile for awhile in Mexico and withdrew from active political life. Contrary to a good number of former leaders of Marxist-Leninist organizations in the 1970s, who joined the upper spheres of the bourgeois political class after having atoned for their “crimes” and expressed their repentance (Gilles Duceppe, Pierre-Paul Roy, Jean-François Lisée and other Robert Comeau’s of this world), Charles Gagnon, even if he too had disavowed Marxism, to his credit stuck to certain positions of principle:  thus he always made a point of denouncing the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie, in particular of the Québécois nationalist intelligentsia.

When the Red Flag Express refers to the “national question”, it means of course the “sovereignty” of Quebec.  However, according to my original research, Quebec’s alleged hot pursuit after “sovereignty” is a front for getting the “negotiations” done to dismantle Canada for North American regional union.

We are expected to believe that these “former” Marxist-Leninist “leaders” “repented” of their “crimes” and joined the “Establishment” in politics.

I think that is a myth like the Cold War and the fall of Communism.  These two men are carrying off the revolution, right now.  They are replacing the population, changing the form of government, eliminating the national boundary (North American Union on the pretext of 9/11 2), altering the ruling ideology, forming the regional union.

Everything they are doing now in “Establishment” politics was their quest as Marxist-Leninists and Maoists.

Could it be that the Establishment has fooled the Marxist-Leninists?  Or have the Marxist-Leninists fooled the Establishment?

In the end, will there be a power struggle between the Establishment and the Marxist-Leninists for control of the Communist region they will have worked so feverishly together to create?  Perhaps a combination of Sino-Soviet military power, both of which are currently in expansion, will answer that question.


Read my exclusive English remedial translation of Jean-François Lisée’s “The Secret Committee at Power” where we learn that PIERRE ELLIOTT TRUDEAU and fellow REDS under Soviet agent Lester Bowles Pearson in the prime minister’s office of Canada, sitting on a “secret committee” on the premises of Power Corporation, ordered Communist Lévesque to organize and set up the PARTI QUEBECOIS …
1 Numéro : vol. 11 no. 1 Automne 08 – Hiver 09:

“Il ne s’agit pas, on l’aura compris, de la conclusion de l’affaire. Mais tant qu’on se contentera de saisir l’aventure de l’extrême-gauche par son bout le plus délirant et le plus funeste (célébration du régime de Pol Pot, pratiques organisationnelles sectaires, lutte fanatique contre les révisionnistes), on ne pourra pas comprendre les motifs qui ont conduit une pléiade de jeunes éduqués et politisés – occupant aujourd’hui des positions éminentes dans les médias, les universités et les partis politiques (Jean-François Lisée, Gilles Duceppe, Robert Comeau, Alain Saulnier) – à se donner corps et âme à la construction d’une société communiste from coast to coast.”

2  in fact the Communist PQ was in New York on 9/11 with a cultural trade mission at the Towers.  Source:  Le 11 septembre et nous  by André Duchesne (Boréal)

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