Stang (Part 4)

Stang (Part 4)


The Poor War Revolution [ 1,325 words ]

In January, 1971, hundreds of “poor people” from throughout Canada descended on Toronto’s comfortable Lord Simcoe hotel, to participate in a “Poor People’s Conference.” The Conference was run by the Praxis Corporation, which calls itself a “research institute for social change.” Praxis was established by some professors in 1968. In a Praxis brochure we read as follows: “Praxis Corporation is a non-profit research institute established to generate the creative ‘social invention’ that is needed for social change …. The overall aim of Praxis is to promote ways of organizing more democratic control by communities and individuals of their social environment and a higher level of participation by citizens in the decisions which affect their lives.”

In other words, Praxis is what the Communists call an “agit-prop” outfit (agitation and propaganda), egging people on to Marxist revolution.

For instance, in March, 1970, Praxis had run another conference, on “industrial democracy,” at which Gerry Hunnius, who runs Praxis, said workers should “control the means and processes of production.” What that means, said Hunnius, is this: “It should be obvious that a fully operational system of workers’ self-management cannot operate within a Capitalist system …. ”

In October, 1970, Praxis had run still another Conference — this one on “Workers’ Control and Community Control” — at which a demand was made to destroy Capitalism by revolution. Capitalism would be replaced by “radical Socialism.” Confrontation is obsolete, the conferees were told. What they should do now is “infiltrate,” and, like “microbes,” destroy Canada from within. The guest speaker, Andre Gorz, was one of the organizers of the Paris riots a few years ago. He advocated revolution in Canada.

Praxis honcho Hunnius has an interesting background. In 1956, at Sir George Williams College in Montreal, he was program director of the Asian Studies Group, linked to the Communist Institute of Pacific Relations. He was a founding official of the London-based International Confederation of Disarmament and Peace, an umbrella for such revolutionary outfits as the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the War Resisters International, and the Student Union for Peace Action. At the time, he explained:

“There must be an examination … of our tactics. We must develop a new loyalty, a world loyalty which must be placed above loyalty to the nation state.”

In 1968, he was in Communist Yugoslavia, running a “peace” conference. The next year, in Toronto, he was involved with the Rochdale Play School, the educational policy of which is this:

“Giving children complete freedom, within restrictions of the group, to do whatever they wish. No taboos … we are determined that our Socialist, humanist values be passed on to our children.”

Hunnius has naturally been a consultant for U.N.E.S.C.O., an agency of the United Nations. He has worked with the Canadian Pugwash crowd, bossed by Soviet apologist Cyrus Eaton. He has spent some time in Washington with the Institute for Policy Studies, a radical outfit working for America’s defeat. In an article published by War Resisters International, Hunnius wrote:

“Marxism, for us, is a method of analysis of the realities of our society, as well as being an uncompromising call to fight.”

Recently, Mr. Hunnius tried to arrange another conference, for which one of the speakers he suggested was Michel Chartrand, the labor leader and F.L.Q. supporter charged with seditious conspiracy under the War Measures Act.

The Poor People’s Conference run by Hunnius by way of Praxis began with a speech by Alex Bandy, of the Unemployed Citizens’ Welfare Improvement Council of Vancouver. “If there is anyone who came here for good times, forget it,” Alex says.
His lips quiver. He has been so abused.

” … As poor, oppressed people in Canada we see our plight as inseparably bound up with the people of Asia, Africa and Latin America and the poor in the U.S.,” Alex explains. ” … We have more in common with a Vietnamese peasant than with the tyrant Trudeau.”

Alex really has a thing about Trudeau. Pierre is keeping the people down. Alex, like Eldridge Cleaver, wants All Power to the People.

” … Capitalism means concentration of wealth and power,” he says. “To hell with everyone else. What we desperately need is a distribution of the wealth …. At this conference we must come to grips with the fact that a thoroughgoing war on poverty means nothing less than war on the rich. Nothing less.”

“Whatever it takes,” he says, “only when we’re willing to sacrifice do we stand a chance to win. No slave should die a natural death.” During the Conference, a woman, puzzled by the constant repetition of the word “fight,” stands up and inquires what the word means. She is expertly expelled by members of the revolutionary Just Society. And the Press is denied admission to various secret “workshops.”

Now, who paid for this Communist Conference? Where did the necessary thousands come from to fly people from all over the country back and forth to Toronto, put them up at the Lord Simcoe and pay Praxis to arrange it? As with similar affairs in the States, the money came from the federal government — from the same Trudeau whom Bandy condemns — paid by Minister of Health and Welfare John Munro, through such federal agencies as the National Council of Welfare.

Why? For the same reason it happens in the States. Incredibly, Alex Bandy explained it at the Conference:

“… The way Munro tells it, the government is really, secretly, on our side. It’s everybody else who is against us and that’s why the government can’t help us. So, the master plan is to give us money to organize and demonstrate and win popular support, then the government will move ….”

Perhaps some of the delegates at the Conference were suspecting that is true. Perhaps Bandy was just trying to persuade them it isn’t. Communist Pierre Trudeau is using what Czech Communist theoretician Jan Kozak called “pressure from above” and “pressure from below.” As in Czecho-Slovakia — and as in the United States — the Communists high in the government are financing a phony demand at the bottom, to provide an excuse for their takeover from the top. [ Stephen Harper is financing radical communists in Quebec. He has poured over $5 million in federal tax dollars into a specific Communist cause, which he labels our” democratic partners”. KM/HCC 20 April 2012 ]

Alex calls his boss a tyrant to keep the taxpayer well conned.

It is interesting to note that in 1962, Gerry Hunnius, who runs Praxis, which ran the Conference Pierre paid for, was in Moscow at the World Congress for General Disarmament and Peace, sponsored by the Communist World Peace Council – which had sponsored Trudeau’s trip to Moscow ten years before. In 1963, Hunnius went to work as European representative of the Canadian Peace Research Institute, which the Canada Council supports with public funds — and two directors of which, at one time, were Trudeau and Pelletier. Another director, named in 1962, was Communist Jean-Louis Gagnon.

It pays to have important friends.

And Hunnius has been a consultant — at $1,000 per month — for the Company of Young Canadians, which apparently is the Canadian version of V.I.S.T.A., and which was established and federally financed by former Prime Minister Lester Pearson. Dozens of other C.Y.C. revolutionaries have been caught using taxpayers’ money to finance revolution, and in January, 1971, Diefenbaker demanded that the C.Y.C. be investigated too.

Trudeau has also told Munro to finance the Black Power forces in Nova Scotia, despite the opposition of real Negro leaders who live there, including Arnold Johnson, Halifax County Councillor, and Ross Kinney, Moderator of the African United Baptist Association of Nova Scotia, the largest black outfit in the province. And the federal government awarded a large contract it was forced to withdraw, for the purchase of dairy products for the Armed Forces, to the People’s Cooperative, a Winnipeg outfit which has been described as a subsidiary of the Communist Party.

Trudeau is also using Crown Corporations, controlled not by Parliament but by him, to communize the economy under the guise of private enterprise.

What he is organizing, an M.P. tells us, is best called “the new Fascism.”

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