News-Slanting and Communist-line Propaganda on the CBC

Category:  Historical reprints
Source:  Brief of Ron Gostick.  Cover:  This brief deals with alleged news slanting and communist line propaganda on the C.B.C.  Brief #145, ex. 285

Download scans of the original Brief from the National Archives, together with a few more related vintage news items:&nbsp:


Nota Bene:  My discussion of this Brief follows below. (Admin. NSIM)





News-Slanting and Communist-line
Propaganda on the CBC


                          Ottawa, Canada

by:     RON GOSTICK of Flesherton, Ontario,
          Editor of The Canadian Intelligence Service
          and director of The Canadian Anti-Communist League

April 13, 1956

The Free World is spending immense financial resources combatting the international Communist conspiracy which already holds in slavery over 900 million souls.  In Canada the struggle is yet a ‘cold’ one — a psychological, ideological battle for the minds and souls of men.  Our defence, therefore, requires not only military preparedness, but full information and a thorough understanding of Communist strategies, tactics and propaganda.

The CBC should be our most powerful cold war weapon in the defence of this nation and Christian civilization.  Yet, it is a disturbing paradox that as we spend billions of dollars in defence against the Communist conspiracy, the Number 1 weapon in our ideological arsenal, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, more and more reflects the leftwing, pro-Communist propaganda line.

Communist Propaganda Line

Perhaps the best approach to this question is to lay down the Red propaganda line, and then compare the CBC’s line with it over a period of years.  The Communist ‘line’ in recent years has included:

1.  Promoting of ‘peaceful co-existence’ and trade with Red regimes.

2.  Disparaging Chiang Kai-shek and demanding ‘recognition’ (diplomatic facilities and privileges) and a UN seat for Red China.

3.  Smearing and ridiculing of anti-Communist leadership throughout the world, while praising the fence-sitters and neutralists in the cold war.

4.  Popularizing of a smear vocabulary — including such terms as:  guilt by association, hysteria, witch-hunt, fascist, book-burning, reactionary, etc. — to be hurled at those who effectively oppose Red activities.

The CBC Propaganda Line

While it would take weeks of this Commission’s time to study even a summary of all the Red-slanted CBC propaganda of recent years, following are a few typical examples.

Oct. 15/50:  Harold Isaacs promoted recognition of Red Chinese regime and its admission to the UN.  Reds pictured as agrarian reformers (a few days later they carried their ‘agrarian reform’ into Tibet and then into Korea).

Nov. 12/50:  Max Freedman expressed opposition to anti-Communist Senator Hickenlooper of Iowa:  lamented defeat of anti-McCarthy Sen. Tydings; spoke glowingly of Mrs. Helen Gahagen Douglas, California darling of the leftwing clique, and disparagingly of Sen. Nixon (his committee exposed Alger Hiss) who defeated her at the polls.

Nov. 21/51:  Mrs. Dorothy Steeves advocated that Red China (then at war with Canada) should be admitted to the UN and given Formosa, at the expense of anti-Communist government of Chiang Kai-shek.

The CBC, in the cultural field, during 1951 sponsored several speakers, including Dr. Brock Chisolm, Bertrand Russell, Dr. Anna Freud, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Professor Fred Hoyle, and Dr. Carl Binger — who attacked religion, Christian ethics and morality.

And during the past five years such propagandists as Max Freedman, Matthew Halton, Alexander Uhl, Frank H. Underhill, James McConaughy, Murray Balantyne, Maxwell Cohen, and many others, have used CBC “Capital Reports” and “Week-end Reviews” to attack and smear Senator Joseph McCarthy’s fight against Reds in the US Government.

June 14/53:  Charles Woodsworth (Capital Report) attacked anti-Communist Syngman Rhee.

July 19/53:  Anne Francis advocated ‘recognition’ of, and a UN seat for, Red China.

Jan. 17/54:  Roger Baldwin, chairman of the American Civil Liberties Union, and associated with no less than 40 Communist ‘fronts’ according to chairman Harold Velde of the Un-American Activities Committee, was a special CBC speaker.  He attacked Sen. McCarthy and all congressional investigations of subversion; boasted that his organization opposed the prosecution of the Red leaders convicted in 1949, opposed loyalty oaths, opposed immigration policies which prohibit Reds from entering the US, and opposed US insistence on loyalty from her UN personnel.

April 15/54:  Ralph Lapp, speaking from Washington over the CBC, defended Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, who had just run afoul of US security requirements through his long recorde of Communist association and support.

May 2/54:  Matthew Halton (C.R.) supported Red Chinese admission to UN.

July 12/54:  James M. Minnifee (C.R.) disparaged Chiang Kai-shek.

This last year, as the emphasis in the Red line shifted more and more to ‘peaceful co-existence’, this whole pack of CBC commentators has parroted the ‘line’.

Even in ‘drama’ we find the ‘line’.  I shall not in this brief deal with the licentiousness and disregard for Christian morality in certain CBC productions.  But it is significant that even in the drama section of the CBC we find the Red propaganda line.  For instance, on the Sunday night (Mar. 17/54) CBC play we heard these lines:

” …You think he is a Communist?  Oh, Joe, this isn’t the United States with its witch-hunting.  This is Canada.”

The foregoing are but a few typical examples of the almost daily Commie ‘line’ carried over the CBC.

The Strange Case of Reuben Ship

CBC policy has perhaps never been more accurately reflected than it was in 1954 in the strange case of Reuben Ship.

On May 30, 1954, the CBC produced and broadcast a Commie-line propaganda play smearing Senator McCarthy and investigations of subversion, written by one Reuben Ship.  A New York Times  report (June 1/54) read:

“Canadians were chuckling today over the ribbing given Senator Joseph R. McCarthy in a burlesque of a Senate committee hearing broadcast last night.  The broadcast originated in Toronto and was carried by the Trans-Canada network of the Canadian Broadcasting Company.

“The play was ‘The Investigator’ by Reuben Ship of Montreal, with John Drainie of Montreal playing the title role with such accent, intonation of voice and mannerisms of speech that many listeners thought for a time that they were listening to a recording of the Wisconsin Republican Senator.

“The play concerns an investigation ‘up there’ after the investigator is killed in a plane crash.”

And just who is Reuben Ship?  The New York Times  itself supplies the answer:

“Mr. Ship was deported from the United States last year as a result of testimony before the House Committee on Un-American Activities that identified him as a member of the Communist party.”

The files of the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities contain the following information on Mr. Reuben Ship:

He was a witness before this Committee during public hearings in Los Angeles, September 24, 1951 (Communism in Motion-Picture Industry), Part 5, pages 1771-1775).  At that time Ship, under the privilege of the ‘Fifth Amendment’, refused to answer questions concerning present or past membership in the Communist Party.

Referring to the radio group of the Communist Party in Los Angeles, of wihch he had been treasurer, Owen Vinson gave the following testimony:

Mr. Tavenner:  Ruben (sic.) Ship appeared before this committee last September and refused to answer any material questions that were asked him.  Was he a member of that group?

Mr. VinsonYes; he was.

Mr. Tavenner:  How do you know that?

Mr. Vinson:  He attended meetings and I collected dues from him, also.

Mr. Tavenner:  What was his occupation?

Mr. Vinson:  Radio writer.

— (Communism in Los Angeles Professional Groups, Part 3, October 2, 1952, p. 4078.)

Paul Marion, an actor who was a member of the Communist Party from early 1946 until early 1948, in listing for the Committee those members of the radio group of the Communist Party in Los Angeles to which he had belonged, named Ruben (sic.) Ship.

Mrs. Pauline Swanson Townsend, a member of the Communist Party from 1943 to 1948, testified before the Committee on March 12, 1953, that Reuben Ship’s membership card in the Communist Party was turned in through her branch.

William L. Alland, motion-picture producer and former Communist Party member, testified before the Committee on November 23, 1953, in part:

Mr. Tavenner:  Now, will you tell the committee, please, what the principal activity was of this group of the Communist Party organized within the radio field?

Mr. Alland:  Its principal activity was attempting to control the Radio Writers Guild … They wanted the Radio Writers Guild to try to get the Screen Writers Guild to be more lenient in its actions and attitudes toward the Communist members in the Screen Writers Guild.  They tried to get its members in any way possible to censure and block the work of the Un-American Activities Committee, certainly, and to in any way possible aid and support those people who had been exposed by the committee …

Mr. Tavenner:  Can you recall members of your Communist Party group who actually became officials in the Radio Writers’ Guild as a result of the activities of your group?

Mr. Alland:  … Reuben Ship was an official …

COUNTERATTACK, the authoritative New York report on Communist activities, in its January 21/55 issue, revealed that the tape recording of the CBC production of “The Investigator” was sold to Ship, and from it a long-playing record was produced, handled in New York by Walter Colquitt and John Bubbers (B & B Recording, Inc.).

The Daily Worker  expressed its pleasure over this CBC venture, boasting that the sale of records would not be less than 100,000 — at $5.95 each!

Thus did the CBC not only produce and feed to the Canadian public, at its own expense, a Red-line propaganda piece, but it also helped to raise funds for ‘Fifth Amendment’ Ship and his associates!

Reports indicate that there was a heavy mail sent to CBC Chairman Dunton’s office, protesting this production.  One citizen who protested advised me that Mr. Dunton’s reply was to the effect that it was not proved that Ship was a Communist.  A study of the foregoing testimony would indicate that Mr. Dunton has a cavalier disregard for evidence, at least when it concerns pro-Communist writers.

Overt CBC Communist Support

Following are a few examples of overt CBC support of the Communist conspiracy in Canada:

  • During the federal election in 1953 the LPP (Communist Party) was given free time on the CBC.  At that very time thousands of Canadian boys were in Korea risking their lives, supposedly in defence of the very things which the Reds in Canada, with the co-operation of the CBC, were working to destroy.  Combat Communism in Korea — but subsidize it at home!

  • The CBC televised the 1954 May Day parade and rally in Vancouver, addressed by such Red leaders as A. A. MacLeod (Ontario Red Leader) and Harvey Murphy of the West Coast.  The Communist weekly, The Canadian Tribune  (May 17.54) congratulated the CBC for carrying this propaganda at the taxpayers’ expense.  Again, this is a case of taxing Canadians to arm against Communism, and at the same time taxing them to buy TV facilities for the Reds to spread their poison in Canada.

  • The same Commie weekly, in June of 1954, warmly praised the CBC for its Reuben Ship production; and in September of 1954 reported favourably on Canadian TV development as a government monopoly, beginning to carry educational programs into Canadian schools. 1  A letter published in the February 27, 1956, issue of this Red organ expresses pride in the CBC, referring to it as the “most democratic institution in Canada.”

CBC Communist Line Stepped Up

The fantastic success of this Red infiltration is evident from the glowing accounts of CBC programs recently carried in the Communist press.

Last October 1st, CBC carried the last of its Focus — series — a two-hour Commie play entitled We Shall Not Be Moved, which received two full columns of build-up in the September 25th CBC Times, and rapturous applause from the Red press.

The U.S. West Coast Communist organ, Daily People’s World (Oct. 13), reported:

“The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. made radio history Oct. 1 when it presented a two-hour special program, ‘We Shall Not Be Moved,’ in which Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, now jailed as a Smith Act victim, is portrayed as a leading figure.”

This CBC production featured a recording by Paul Robeson, the notorious Communist-front personality and money-raiser.  The People’s World  boasts that it “took over the best possible broadcasting time — 8 to 10 p.m. Saturday.

There were no interruptions — even the usual station breaks were omitted.”

The play glorified Elizabeth Gurley Flynn as a “rebel girl,” and People’s World, hardly able to conceal its mirth, suggested:

“Perhaps someone has made a recording of this program as was done with the play ‘The Investigator’ from the same network.  It would be a smash hit.”

The Canadian Communist weekly, The Tribune  (Oct. 17), carried this letter to Elizabeth Flynn:

“You were not in your cell Saturday evening, October 1st.  You travelled across the Canadian border.  You were in many Canadian homes. …”

And the same Communist organ (Oct. 10), under a 3-column headline “THREE CHEERS FOR THE CBC,” eulogizes it in these terms:

“For the excellence of this program all concerned must be congratulated.  John Reeves, the producer, deserves special applause.  He struck a new vein for Canadian radio to work, and it is a rich one.”

The truth of the matter, of course, is that Elizabeth Gurley Flynn is one of the leaders of the Communist conspiracy in the U.S., and is presently serving a prison term for her role in Red subversion in America.

The Communist propaganda line today is to paint Communists as persecuted champions of the working class, make the public believe that there really is no Communist menace, and defeat or emasculate anti-Communist security measures in order to spring their convicted agents from prison and open the way for further infiltration.

This CBC production, by glorifying the Red prisoner, and undermining security measures, followed every turn in the Communist line.  Thus, as the U.S. cracks down on subversion, the CBC is used to beam the Red line to the U.S. and at the same time brainwash Canadians.

It is difficult to ujnderstand how such an incredible situation has developed in our CBC.  This material is not merely slanted in favour of Communism — it IS Communism, pure and simple.  The people responsible for staging such productions must be either outright Communists, or ‘egg-heads’ under the influence and control of those directing today’s Red line.

CBC Bias Widely Recognized

That the disturbing leftwing, anti-Christian influence I observe in the CBC is no figment of the imagination, is confirmed when we note but a few of the increasing protests.

Dr. W. A. Brown, Lion’s Club Governor for Renfrew, in 1951 told the Ottawa Lions Club:

“I am opposed to the godless vaporings of some top United Nations members of the medical profession heard over the government-owned radio system on a recent Sunday evening.”

Lions International, he said, was “a Godfearing, Christian organization, and we are not going to stand for some of this CBC broadcasting.”

The Canadian Slovak League, in a brief to the Ministers of External Affairs and National Defence in 1952, relating to CBC-Slovakia policy, said:

“The Slovaks are a conservative people with an absolute Catholic majority (about 85%), but the propaganda from Canada for Slovakia is performed by this Staff of Employees:  Dr. Schmolka, Mr. Rejhon and his brother, Reichman, Stauber, and Williams, all of whom are of the Jewish religion … and of a deep socialistic conviction … and also three Czechs, Volesky, Skvor and Mrs. Vasak.  We strongly doubt … that this is a good staff for the defence of these (Christian and national) ideals which today alone strengthen nations in their resistance.”

The leading Western Canada weekly, Camrose Canadian (July 22/53), commenting on a CBC report by Anne Francis in favour of recognition of Red China, described the talk as “pretty hot socialist propaganda.”  And on Sept. 9/53, commenting on a series of CBC talks, observed:  “An outsider could readily label each speaker as a Communist fellow traveller … and we Canadians are paying these men …”

The Ensign  (July 31/54) said editorially:

“The ‘radio curtain’ can be noted also in Canada in the consistency of choice of political commentators on the nationally owned networks, who are most critical of Washington and most sympathetic to the recognition of Red China.

“It is interesting how a conspiracy of silence towards those advocating contrary views is a growing problem in many countries. …”

And on October 10/54 The Ensign  observed:

“What the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation through a consistent choice of political commentators seems to be advocating is what Moscow desires.”

The Edmonton Journal, two years ago, observed editorially:

“Canadian listeners would like to have a balanced, objective account … Instead, all the commentators on this program, whether Canadians or Americans, give us virtually nothing except straight Democratic Party doctrine.”

Why The Strange Conformity ?

Why do the overwhelming majority of CBC commentators consistently follow the line promoted by the Communists, and consistently attack the most militant anti-Communist leaders and measures?

Is it because only individuals holding such pink views are selected consistently by the CBC ?

Or is it because reporters are anxious for these CBC contracts, and promote the line which they know, from experience, will assure them of more contracts?

It is respectfully submitted, gentlemen, that the CBC should be our most powerful weapon in the present ideological struggle, but that the evidence presented demonstrates that all too often it is actually used to further the Communist propaganda line.

It is hoped that the information contained in this brief, and the questions raised, will assist the Commission in finding and recommending action for the eliminating of Communist propaganda from our CBC.

– 30 –

1  Constitutionally, the federal government (and thus the CBC) is denied (local) Education powers.  This was pointed out by Quebec historian, Robert Rumilly, also in 1956, the year of this Brief, in his L’Infiltration gauchiste au Canada français (The Leftist Infiltration in French Canada).  Radio-Canada is the French name of the CBC in Quebec.  From page 95:

Radio-Canada complète et soutient le réseau gauchiste qui s’est mis en place, dans notre province, depuis quelques années.

Il est déjà inconstitutionnel que l’État fédéral accapare une tranche de l’éducation –- domaine réservé aux provinces –- comme il le fait par le truchement de Radio-Canada.  Les tribunaux ont reconnu à l’État fédéral le droit de réglementer l’usage des ondes.  Ils ne lui ont reconnu aucun droit sur l’éducation populaire.  La Société Radio-Canada, telle qu’elle fonctionne, est illégale.  Il est doublement intolérable que la radio et la télévision d’État d’expression française, vivant des deniers du peuple canadien-français, cherche à l’entraîner vers une idéologie contraire à ses traditions et à ses aspirations nationales.

Radio-Canada completes and has been supporting the leftist network set up in our province in the last few years.

It is unconstitutional already that the Federal state monopolizes a section of education –- a domain reserved to the provinces –- which it does by the interposition of Radio-Canada.  The courts have recognized to the Federal state the right to regulate the use of the air­waves.  They have not conceded to it any right of public education.  Radio-Canada, the corporation, such as it functions, is illegal.  It is doubly intolerable that French-language State radio and television, living off public funds of the French-Canadian people, seek to drag them towards an ideology contrary to their own traditions and their national aspirations.

However, the CBC today has done far more than to “merely” invade the “exclusive” provincial Education power.  Major mega-movie-length series productions, edified by the CBC web site, have revised Canada’s history while offering course plans and “educational” packages to teachers Canada-wide.  Thus, the CBC conscripts teachers to indoctrinate, meaning brainwash, Canadian children at the expense of their parents, the taxpayers, both federal and provincial.

But with what are they indoctrinating our children?  Well, if you were the Soviet Union, having feigned collapse with intent to penetrate and merge with socialized and restructured western countries (as warned by KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn), imagine your advantage if the children of these countries could be made to grow up not merely believing their nation was on the brink of collapse, but literally expecting and accepting that it was going to happen.  And that this feigned collapse of their own countries was the signal for the long-planned Communist restructuring to carry off the merger.

In Canada, our children are being brainwashed to view the Communist dismantling and restructuring of Canada as inevitable.  This is not “education”.

This is what the CBC has accomplished for the benefit of world Communism and the advance of the underground Soviet Union, with its “history” segment on the “struggle” of the (Communist) Parti Québécois with (Communist) prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, entitled:  “A Fragile Unity”, produced by Canada’s man on the KGB payroll, Mark Starowicz.

Mark Starowicz’s Red demoralization of Canada: A Fragile Unity

Mark Starowicz’s Red demoralization of Canada: A Fragile Unity

The images above, top-down, are taken from [1] the 1968 organization by René Lévesque of the (Communist) Parti Québécois, implying, of course, the 1980 referendum conducted by him unlawfully as contrary to Confederation; [2] Pierre Elliott Trudeau of the “secret committee” of Power Corporation which appointed Lévesque to set up the PQ; and [3] the 1982 false “patriation” which overthrew the lawful Parliament and Legislatures of Canada using the Sovereign as the front to pull it off.  The title of the episode, “A Fragile Unity”, however, impliedly refers to the 1995 referendum, also unlawful, also under the PQ, and which most likely was rigged, but failed nonetheless thanks to a last-minute Canada Rally organized by a local businessman.

The “patriation” image implies what those behind the scenes know; had the 1980 referendum pulled off a “Yes”, United Kingdom, under the pretense of constitutional “amendment” of the British North America Acts (1867 et seq), was to pass a “law” “patriating” a new constitution disassembling Canada into a string of “associated” proto-Communist banana republics.

CBC producer Mark Starowicz promised a KGB agent he would act on behalf of Soviet interests

CBC producer Mark Starowicz promised a KGB agent he would act on behalf of Soviet interests

In 1975, Progressive-Conservative Member of the Canadian Parliament, Tom Cossitt (for Leeds) tried repeatedly to open an inquiry into the KGB’s Konstantin Geyvandov, a Pravda  correspondent, and money received from him and promises made to him by CBC producer, Mark Starowicz:
According to just one of his interventions in federal Hansard, on the 12th of June 1975, the Hon. Thomas Charles Cossitt said in the House:

Mr. Speaker. I rise under the provisions of Standing Order 43 to ask leave to move, seconded by the hon. member for Dauphin (Mr. Ritchie), the following motion:

The truly Honorable Mr. Tom Cossitt, a Canadian hero.

The truly Honorable Mr. Tom Cossitt,
a Canadian hero.

That a special committee of this House be set up forthwith to investigate all activities of Soviet journalist Konstantin Geivandov while he was in Canada, that the committee be charged with examining all connections with this matter on the part of Mark Starowicz, executive producer of the CBC program “As It Happens”, that the committee be given power to summon any persons whatsoever as witnesses that it deems advisable, that files on the matter including those of the Departments of Manpower and Immigration, External Affairs and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police showing the activities of Geivandov, Starowicz, and others, be produced to the committee and, finally, that such files, pending examination by the committee, be forthwith placed in the safe custody of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada to guarantee their safety from destruction for political or any other purposes whatsoever.

In 1979, the irrepressible Mr. Cossitt is continuing his effort to launch a formal investigation:

Mr. Tom Cossitt (Leeds):

Mr. Speaker, I rise on a matter of urgent necessity as a result of a statement made by the Prime Minister (Mr. Clark) this morning at his press conference, that there was concern within the CBC regarding an individual who allegedly assisted a KGB representative in Canada, and I might add that this individual had been previously identified in the Ontario legislature by the attorney general of Ontario as CBC producer Mark Starowicz.  I move, seconded by the hon. member for York North (Mr. Gamble):

Whereas CBC producer Mark Starowicz assisted KGB agent Konstantine Geyvandov in compiling information on certain persons, allegedly on six different occasions, and also promisedto act on behalf of Soviet interests“, that the CBC be required to give a public explanation as to why Mark Starowicz continues as producer of the public opinion influencing program “Sunday Morning” and, finally, as to why he is being considered at this very moment to head all CBC national news and public affairs programming.

In 1983, on Friday, March the 4th, another Progressive-Conservative Member, the Hon. Elmer MacIntosh MacKay (for Central Nova) picks up where Mr. Cossitt left off (I have not cited all of Mr. Cossitt’s interventions).  Mr. McKay will quote newspaperman Peter Worthington quoting the RCMP.

Madam Speaker, some years ago the then Member for Leeds [Mr. Cossitt] noted for the first time in this House the name of CBC producer Mark Starowicz in connection with the expelled KGB agent, Konstantin Geyvandov, who masqueraded in Ottawa as a Soviet journalist.  Two years later the Attorney General of Ontario quoted in the Legislature an RCMP document according to which a Canadian media person over a period of five years was selling Geyvandov reports at clandestine meetings.  Next day CBC producer Mark Starowicz identified himself as the person who, between 1970 and 1973, had accepted money for reports written for a Soviet correspondent in Ottawa.

Three months later Peter Worthington published excerpts from an RCMP document dated March 24, 1976, as well as this passage:

The RCMP report says Pravda’s man in Ottawa, Geyvandov, was expelled from Canada after persuading a Canadian journalist to act on behalf of Soviet interests when reporting Canadian political events. …

I am strongly inclined to believe that the Canadian media person in the McMurtry statement and the Canadian journalist in the report referred to by Mr. Worthington are the same person.  I wrote about it to the Solicitor General (Mr. Kaplan).  He is reluctant to reveal the man’s identity.  In the meantime, CBC keeps on its payroll a senior executive who, by his own admission, was also on the payroll of a Soviet official and who, I strongly suspect, is the same person identified by the RCMP as acting on behalf of Soviet interests.

I do not believe at this stage that the Liberal Government with its track record –

Two sad ironies:  there has been a Southern-Rhodesian-style coup on Parliament under Trudeau in 1982.  Canada, long occupied, has been dealt a pounding blow.  Men (quoted below) who would be legitimate Members of the House are apparently not aware, although the coup was admitted by one of its perpetrators in 1982, Barry Lee Strayer, in his pair of Cronkite Lectures to a university law faculty.

The other sad irony:  Mr. McKay is not among friends in the House.  The “Madam Speaker” to whom he has addressed his plea is Jeanne Benoit Sauvé, future Governor General of Canada (representing the post-coup Queen) and the wife of ex-Forestry Minister Maurice Sauvé under Soviet agent prime minister Lester Pearson.

Sauvé sat on the Friday-night “secret committee” at Power Corporation where the plans to set up the (Communist) PQ and put (Communist) Trudeau in power to negotiate with it, were incubated.

In fact, both Jeanne and Maurice Sauvé were involved in a Communist front put in place in the 1950s by Soviet-infested British Secret Intelligence (MI6) and the Communist-staffed CIA, at the prompting of British Fabian socialist Sir Stafford Cripps.  The World Association of Youth (WAY), with Member of Parliament Maurice Sauvé as its first president, and his wife at his side, organized youth to help federalize Europe (destroy the nation-state).  In Canada, after 9/11, a similar group emerged under the wing of Sauvé’s Communist PQ:  the North American Forum on Integration (NAFI), devoted, like WAY, to subverting our youth to restructure the continent for a federalized North American Union on the EU model.

We can see that for nearly a decade, decent men tried to expose Soviet tool, Mr. Mark Starowicz.  However, I am of the view that the above-said Mr. McMurtry is not to be classed among them; the grounds will appear.

In Ontario Hansard of December 9th, 1977, provincial justice minister, the Hon. Mr. Roy McMurtry, while withholding the name of Mr. Starowicz, had nonetheless to admit:

“… the RCMP concern with individuals in the Waffle was increased when it was found that a Canadian news media person, closely associated with leading people in the Waffle, was meeting clandestinely with Konstantin Geyvandov, a Russian KGB intelligence officer who, between August 1968 and September 1973, operated in Canada as a Pravda correspondent.”

McMurtry continued:

“The RCMP investigation confirmed that this Canadian provided reports to Geyvandov during these clandestine meetings and on at least six occasions was paid money by Geyvandov.  Amongst other things, the Canadian was specifically asked by Geyvandov to provide reports to him on the NDP and the Waffle.

“… The RCMP believed that Geyvandov’s purpose in seeking such reports was to assist the Russian KGB intelligence service in deciding whether the Waffle group or any of its members were worthy of further attention by the KGB.”

The Hon. Mr. Gaunt interjects:

“Now a pipeline right to the Kremlin.”

Ontario justice minister Roy McMurtry in the Ontario Legislature on the 9th of December 1977, failed to name Mark Starowicz, though he had to know his name.  McMurtry seems to me to protect Starowicz when he refers to him simply as “a Canadian news media person”.  McMurtry names the Soviet agent, but not Mark Starowicz, who has been on the KGB’s payroll.

The Kitchen Accord

The Kitchen Accord:  L-R:  Roy McMurtry, Marxist Jean Chrétien,
Saskatchewan’s Roy Romanow — the authors of the Kitchen Accord (1979)

Then, in 1981, McMurtry shows up in the media during the (false) “patriation” as one of three men in the photo at the time of the so-called “Kitchen Accord”.  The “Kitchen Accord”, incorrectly described as an agreement to patriate the Constitution (in the propaganda which serves as “news” in Canada), was in fact a “federal-provincial” agreement to overthrow the Parliament and Legislatures for a new form of non-sovereign government.  It was nothing less than a Southern Rhodesian-style coup d’état, a leftist coup on Canada.  However, it was not challenged, at the UN or elsewhere, and I believe that is because Mrs. Windsor leant herself as the front, visiting Canada personally to “proclaim” it as a constitutional amendment, which it was not.

And here is Roy McMurtry in the middle of it, in the guise of a “justice minister”, lending his title, his name and his face to it.

This suggests to me that McMurtry is a left sympathizer; that he deliberately protected Starowicz by withholding his name from the Ontario Members.  (In fact, I haven’t got any earlier Ontario Hansard than the one I’ve quoted, and which is posted online.  It is always possible that McMurtry mentioned Starowicz on another occasion, but to date I have nothing to suggest that he did.)

Now, McMurtry’s payoff for the “Kitchen Accord”:  a distinguished career under the 1982 coup d’état constitution, culminating in his appointment as Chief Justice of Ontario, the courts now, of course, imposing the illegal Charter.  At his law firm’s web site (Hull & Hull LLP, 2016), the now-retired McMurtry

“was deeply involved in the patriation of the Canadian Constitution and the creation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  During that period, he also served four years as the Solicitor General for Ontario.”

The law firm also says:

“In February 1996, he [McMurtry] was appointed Chief Justice of Ontario, a capacity in which he served for over 11 years until May 30, 2007.”

That places Mr. McMurtry in the Ontario provincial driver’s seat during the artificial “law suit”, Lalonde v. Ontario 1, concocted out of the wholly staged, “SOS Montfort” protest, for the sole purpose of rubber-stamping with a non-appealed concocted “judgment” of an Ontario court of record, the so-called “unwritten principles” of the 1998 “secession” opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada’s non-judicial advisory board, to make them look like “law”.  The “principles” then form the basis of the federal Clarity Act, a counterfeit “statute” intended to force Canada to dismantle itself, while authorizing the international community to “recognize” a string of UDIs.  And thus will end Canada’s so-called “fragile unity” (according to former executive producer at the CBC, Mark Starowicz).

In recent results on Google, both Mr. McMurtry and Mr. Starowicz collected their official recognitions fromConfederation Center of the Arts (See:  Previous Symons Medal Recipients:) “Canada”:

In Conclusion

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is the ultimate, entirely subversive tool of political control exerted over the educational and communications systems of a target country by a hostile foreign power.  Sun Tzu would be awe-struck.

1  Lalonde c. Ontario (Commission de restructuration des services de santé), 56 OR (3d) 577 [Not online];  Lalonde v. Ontario (Commission de restructuration des services de santé), 2001 CanLII 21164 (ON CA);

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