Stang (Part 3)

CANADA How The Communists Took Control

Part Three


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CANADA How The Communists Took Control

Part Three [ 1,137 words ]

The Rest Of The Ring

If you are imposing a totalitarian dictatorship, one of the imperative things you need is government propaganda. Hitler had Joseph Goebbels. Nixon has Spiro Agnew. And Trudeau has Jean-Louis Gagnon. Pierre has created Information Canada, named Gagnon to run it at $40,000 a year. Jean-Louis doesn’t really need it, because his father, like Pierre’s, was also a millionaire. Trudeau has also appointed Gagnon Co-Chairman of the influential Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism.

Who is Jean-Louis Gagnon? He is a former Managing Editor of La Presse, one of Canada’s largest dailies. He is a former Editor-in-Chief of L’Evènement-Journal. He is a frequent commentator on the C.B.C. He is still another contributor to Cité Libre.

And he is a dues-paying member of the Communist Party.

Before World War II, Jean-Louis was Secretary-Treasurer of L’Union Nationale Ouvrière, a labor organization. The U.N.O. kicked him out for Communist activities. He was also a writer for La Nation. But La Nation kicked him out for running a Communist cell. During the war, he worked for the British Foreign Office, recommended for the job by Soviet spy Donald Maclean. The British kicked him out for Communist activities. The French kicked him out of North Africa after the Allied landings.

He has now finally found refuge as a Deputy Cabinet Minister.

Jean-Louis has been a speaker at many Communist meetings. As you see on Page 14, for instance, he was one of two speakers at a meeting of the Labor Youth Federation — previously known as the Young Communist League. The other, as you see, was Fred Rose, an officer in G.R.U. (Soviet military intelligence), who later was convicted and sent to the penitentiary for Soviet espionage. Rose was one of Gagnon’s bosses in the Party. You also see on Page 14 the telegram Gagnon sent from Washington to Montreal, May 1, 1946, expressing his adoration of “the great Soviet Union.”

The papers brought by Igor Gouzenko to the Canadians from the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa revealed that it was Jean-Louis Gagnon who had supplied Soviet Colonel Zabotin with the information that the exact date of D-Day was June 6, 1944.

Gagnon is therefore also fully qualified to be Canada’s Prime Minister.

Indeed, in his office in Trudeaugrad, another opposition Member of Parliament told us that Gagnon’s wife, Hélène, is on the payroll of Peking, where she has been Mao Tse-tung’s guest, and that Pravda pays her through Bucharest, where she goes to pick it up. Maybe she was simply bored as a housewife. She has also been involved, he said, with the operation of Camp Beaver in the Laurentians, the Communist Party training camp opened in 1967.

The head of Information Canada has a very pungent style. In a personal letter, Gagnon once wrote:

“Nationalism leads to useless wars; class struggle leads to liberation of the oppressed …. the class struggle is a liberating factor …. I believe that we will find ourselves, inevitably, on the same side of the barricades; because, first of all I believe that one day there will be barricades, and finally because I believe that lead (bullets), fire and blood will suffice to ensure our agreement …. “

Another thing you need if you are imposing a dictatorship is control of the police. In Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are controlled by the Solicitor-General. So Trudeau made Jean-Pierre Goyer the Solicitor-General — when Parliament was not in session and could not question him. Goyer, it goes without saying, was a regular contributor to Cité Libre. Isn’t everybody? He was once arrested for staging a sit-in outside the office of the Premier of Quebec. He has been involved in several pro-Communist fronts. And he has attended Communist meetings behind the Iron Curtain. Like his friend Trudeau, he is a revolutionary.

This is the man now running the national police of Canada.

Then there is Jean Marchand, of Cité Libre, now a member of Trudeau’s Cabinet. There is Gérard Pelletier, of Cité Libre, who, like Jean-Louis Gagnon, has also been an editor at La Presse. Pelletier is now Trudeau’s Secretary of State. One of the Members of Parliament quoted earlier also told us that in his opinion Pelletier is “the most dangerous man of all — very clever, very deceitful, very doctrinaire.” It was unnecessary to ask which doctrine he had in mind.

And there is Paul Martin, Lester Pearson’s Minister of External Affairs, now the Liberal leader of the Senate (which corresponds to the British House of Lords) — to which Trudeau appointed him. Martin for some incredible reason has not been a contributor to Cité Libre, as far as I know, but he is an advocate of what we call “socialized medicine,” is generally anti-American, is a champion of the United Nations, strongly opposed to our bombing of the Communists in North Vietnam, and has done what he could to bring down anti-Communist Rhodesia.

Martin has also been a prominent, charter member of the Canadian branch of the Communist Institute of Pacific Relations exposed by a Subcommittee of Congress. One of his old friends is identified as Soviet spy Mark Gayn, of the Toronto Star, who left the United States after exposure of his role in the Amerasia spy case.

The photograph including Paul Martin which you see on Page 15 appeared in the April, 1938, issue of New Advance, official organ of the Young Communist League. The First World Youth Congress to which the caption refers was of course Communist-controlled. As you see, the delegation included Roy Davis, later of the C.B.C., convicted of Soviet espionage when Gouzenko blew the whistle; William Kashtan, now head of the Canadian Communist Party; T.C. Douglas, now head of the Marxist New Democratic Party — and Paul Martin, M.P., the delegation’s chairman.

Perhaps Martin felt that contributing to Cité Libre would be redundant.

It is interesting to note that in a 1962 article, Maclean’s reported that Roger Rolland, of Cité Libre, was already regional program director of French networks for the C.B.C., that Charles Lussier, of Cité Libre, was in charge of Quebec House, a provincial quasi-consulate in Paris, and that Pierre Juneau, of Cité Libre, was executive director of the National Film Board, a federal government agency. Juneau is now chairman of the Canadian Radio-Television Commission. Rolland is a Special Assistant in the Prime Minister’s office.

“Trudeau has homosexuals everywhere,” says the Conservative M.P. in the cafeteria on the Hill. “They’re useable.” The Fabian affinity for homosexuality is of course well known. John Maynard Keynes, for instance.

“Canada is completely in the hands of the Fabians,” says the M.P. “Stanfield, who is supposed to be a Conservative, is also a Fabian.”

“How possible is it that Canada will fall?” I asked.

The Member leaned toward me, his voice a combination of bitterness and surprise.

“She’s already fallen,” the Member said.

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